At SDSmith Financial, we have created a process that we believe gives our clients the utmost confidence that they are in the right place and situation with us. We call it the E.D.D.I.E. process. What does E.D.D.I.E. stand for?

Educate - at SDSmith Financial, we believe it is critical that our clients understand the ever changing Financial Landscape, whether that is retirement, tax management, or estate/legacy planning.

Discover - In order to create a personalized plan, we need to know you more. This is the point where we find out who/where you are, and where you want to go.

Design - Once the discovery is complete, we begin to design your personalized plan, in short we find out where you are and where you want to go in the discovery stage, and this step shows you how to get there.

Implement - After we have an agreed upon path it is time to put the plan in place, in other words, its paperwork time and our partnership has begun. 

Evaluate - We understand that life happens, things change, and that is why your plan is an ever-changing thing. We have reviews to make sure that we are on the right path to get you where you want to be!


Contact us today to see how a financially sound plan may bring you closer to your goals.